Color Run
The Color Run will be held on Wednesday, October 2nd. Please note that the $20 registration fee is mandatory for participation and separate from any pledges and donations received.
**The registration fee is due by Wednesday, September 18th. Please register today to ensure your child receives their shirt
Here is the link to register:
Pledges & donations are due by October 11th, 2024.
We look forward to another great Color Run!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the parent associated at Olssparentassociation@
Thank you!
Hot Lunch Orders
Instructions for new parents:
Click Create an Account: Password is: olss3
- Enter information and click Submit
- Enter information for your students, Add
Profile. Repeat for any additional students
- Click I’m Done and Sign In
Instructions for returning parents:
Update Profile(s) - click on profile name, add
new information for the new school year & click
“update profile”
School Spirit Store
OLSS Lunch Totes